Und ne nette Kollegin (nicht ganz) kennengelernt.
messor - 5. Sep, 22:15
Soviel zur Rubrik:
Heute gehört.
messor - 5. Sep, 22:14
Saelic, saelic sî diu wunne,
saelic sî des wunnebernden meien zît,
saelic sî der vogel singen,
saelic sî diu ouwe, saelic sî der walt!
messor - 5. Sep, 22:13
nostrae vitae nostrae mortis
nostri status, nostrae sortis
fidele signaculum
messor - 5. Sep, 22:13
Je chante par couverture,
mais meiulx pourassent mi oeil,
ne nul ne scet le traveil
que mon pouvre cuer endure,
je chante par couverture.
Je chante par couverture.
Pour ce muce ma doulour
qu'en nul je ne voy pitié,
plus a l'en cause de plour
mains treuve l'en d'amistié,
je chante par couvrture.
Je chante par couverture.
Petit porte de valour
de soy monstrer dehaitié,
ne le tiennent qu'a folour
ceulz qui ont le cuer haitié,
je chante par couverture.
Je chante par couverture.
messor - 5. Sep, 22:12
Les habitants du soleil jettent sur nous
un regard impassible.
Nous appartenons définitivement à la Terre
Et nous y pourrirons, mon amour impossible,
Jamais nos corps meurtris ne deviendront lumière.
messor - 5. Sep, 22:11
All alone, I open my eyes
Wild ride
Hold your fire
I'm not about to die
Keep back
Let in some air I dare lie down
To stare at the sky
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
Flat mark
High tide
Frantic to stay afloat
Stay calm
Let in some air I dare lie down
To stare at the sky
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
]From above
I am so small
So fast
I move I move
The light the light
Here comes the tide
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
With water surrounding me
I am wide open
Reaching forever
And I fly into the blue
Into the blue
I am wide open
I am wide open
Reaching forever
Reaching forever
I fly
I fly into the blue
I am wide open
I am wide open
Reaching forever
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
Into the blue
I am wide open
I am wide open
Reaching forever
messor - 5. Sep, 21:58
Where were you when I was lonesome?
Locked away with freezing cold
Someone flying only stolen
I can't tell this light so old
I don't want to swim the ocean
I don't want to fight the tide
I don't want to swim forever
When it's cold I'd like to die
What was that my sweet sweet nothing?
I can't hear you through the fog
If I holler let me go
If I falter let me know
I don't want to swim forever
I don't want to fight the tide
I don't want to swim the ocean
When it's cold I'd like to die
I don't want to swim the ocean
I don't want to figh the tide
messor - 5. Sep, 21:56